Thursday, 19 June 2014

Final art project -Reflection-

I think I did good on this and I did this art in this way because I thought I could have made my own type of art in a way I thought works for me and that is what I'm good with and know how to use it to my advantage. And I even did better then what I thought I could do with this assignment. Also I gave it a better look to it then what I was going to do. I clearly showed I'm better with this the a piece of paper. like from the cradle (beginning) to the grave (End) like in these pics.



This is a comparison of how I do drawing and how I do with Minecraft I can do better with Minecraft because I can think more clearly when I'm doing this way. I also have more chances to mess up without leaving all the eraser marks on a piece of paper. And I have  more room to work with then on a piece of paper. I also For some reason get better ideas on the digital side then at a desk with a pencil and paper. I tried to do some art on paper but it wasn't as good as it looks when I do it my way, and I also like doing it this way it cause it looks more better then if I drew it all out.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Brian Jungen work video. Questions and answers on duality  (Under the media part in the
side thing) is what we watched And I hope it works for you it is on Brian Jungen and his work
and here are a few questions on what we seen. And also my answers to them.

1- What is duality
Duality is contrast between two concepts of something. It is like how dull something it like Light and Dark. It is to show how dull something is in basic terms. It is also a part to say how dull it is compared to something else that is similar to it. Also it can be a measure of how original something is. Also it can get onto a scale of how brilliant something is and how it was made and what it was made from.

2- How is Contrast important to Brian Jungen's work?
It is important B/C it can show it all in a different light compared to some of the other work for other artists. Also it is part of how he uses duality. This can be part of an even bigger  picture and how it relates to what he is trying to make or do. This is also how it fits in to what he is doing for an art piece and how it relates to the type he is doing. Another thing is what does his art work mean and what and what it stands for as an artwork in this type of art style.

3- How is it related to appropriation?
It is related to appropriation because, they are both a part of a bigger picture called sculptures. Also it is Showing what he uses to make his art pieces. It is also because they can be used to make it more cooler looking then it could have been without these things included to it. Also they can be put together to make a better art piece then they can apart. so in other words they are related and they can be used to make more magnificent artwork together.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Final art project -The work-

This post will show you what I did for my final art project. I made it on minecraft. It was cool and fun to make. I also made it be just going with my gut on how big I should make everything and it turd out good. Also I tried to get it perfect which it ended up being. I also tried some new stuff which made it look better.
There is a way you think is a fun way to build anything in art. You just have to find it and try different ways to help too. I also thought of different ways but none of it would have worked. So I did this way cause it looked cool and it was fun to work on.

 Part 1- This is what my project at the start which is called the blank canvas. and it helps me get into my creative side of myself and I can build some cool things in a cool way. I also come up with some great ideas here to. This is also a good way to try different things that you can do for any artwork. This is also the same place that I worked with last year when I did the cathedral with a friend.

Part 2- This is the background to the art piece I`m doing for my art project. I wanted it to make the rest of my art work stand out so I went with a lime green. And I wanted to use a different color then what I think would have been cool. I did this cause I didn't think anything else would look good on it so I went with a Lime green. I thought of putting it a red but I didn't think it would look good.

Part 3- This is when I finished the face and the thought bubble on it. I think it looks cool, but that`s my opinion. I also think it looks good for how I made the bubble. And how it all fits together when it's done. I did it like this so I can get a better look to the face so it will look like a real face. Also did the thought bubble a bit bigger so I can fit what I can into it and if I wanted to put some more stuff into it. And I tried to make it look like my preliminary work so I tried my best so don't harp me for it.

Part 4- This is how it looks when I put the thoughts into the bubble and I used different things then I would normally use on any type of art. Also I made it look better then I was planing on doing it. The harder part was trying to position everything in the thought bubble and to get it all spaced perfectly. And I thought I should add stuff to it but then I didn't cause it would have changed the look and I would have to re position everything.

Part 5-  This is how it looks now after I finished putting in the sky like thing in the top of the bubble to try and make it more like a subconscious dream. I Made it like a checkered like pattern with the blues and changed the star to a gold from a yellow. I gave it a better look when I added the blue sky to it I thought of adding a ground to it but it would ruin it.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Daniel Gordon Get physical

1) what is appropriation? you can provide a definition from another source, as long as your explain it in simpler terms to prove that you understand it.
   an act or instance of appropriating. and appropriating is to take exclusive possession of. It is about how he makes it his and how it is personal to him. Also how he made it to be a unique piece of art. Also how he uses a type of art that is out there and expands on it to make it cooler and a makes a new section that will be remembered cause it is amazing.

2) Review Daniels Gordon's work, evaluate its success.
 It was all made with random stuff that you think might be garbage and he made it work. so it is a huge success by how he made it all. Also he did this all to try to say a message to us about what makes art art. I also think that his art is gonna be a big hit if people start to see how art can be anything if you put your mind to it and work hard on it to make it an art piece.

3) By what standards did you deem it successful? Yours or his?
 I think it is successful just by how it was made. But it could have been made to what he thinks was successful and it was made to be something cool and made cool art out of nothing but random pictures. And if he made to what he thinks was a success I think it is a huge success even if no one else thinks it is good I think it is amazing.

4) How does he expand the meaning of photography in his work?
 Well he is using pictures and making something out of it then taking a picture of it. Also he is trying to use thing that no one ever tried to use before, and he is going to make us all realize that it doesn't take much to make art. He took it to a newer state and it is a cool way to express yourself to others by this.

5) How much time is spent "in process"? Is this important? Why or Why not?
    There is about 90% time spent in process. This is important to the art work that he is doing because, with out it he may not get to the building of the art piece. Also what he is doing is really time consuming by doing the art style that he is doing. Also

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Final art project

So this is some thing I am going to work on when I can for my finale art project I will try it in one of the two art styles that I posted earlier. This may be hard but I don't care it will be hard. I chose to do my finale project on the subconscious dream and how it will end up as will be a surprise even for me. Also I will be doing it in minecraft on my Xbox. I will post pictures and I may do a video when it's all done. I will be doing this hopefully in time. I may change it so it may look different. I may add more or take some out. but if I am gonna change it I will post about it and explain on it.

 This picture will be all different cause of the cubes and it will be all colorful and hopefully better looking.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Preliminary work and other things

I am doing a thing for art that I have 2 different art styles. 1 is Surrealism and the other is DADA. I think that these 2 are Close but that is my observation. They both were made in The early 1900's Or early 20th century.
Surrealism Lasted from 1920 to 1930.
DADA Lasted from 1916 to 1920.


DADA was officially not a movement.
             This was also a literacy movement as well as an art movement.

 French, from DADA, hobby-horse. This type of art was a rejection of laws of beauty and social things. Also it was made by Non-Artists. There also was a sculpture made called Fountain... Which I think is weird.

Here it is

It was signed with a fake signature. It was made by the person named Marcel Duchamp. Also he did the mustache on the fake Mona Lisa. this was seized upon by the group as appropriate for their anti-aesthetic creations


     It was a new mode of expression. Also this was a type of writing.
  It was clever and whimsical disregard for tradition fostered by Dadaism a decade earlier.
        It was considered to be anti-art or non-art. 
It's roots were found in DADA.
   AndrĂ© Brenton is known as the pope of surrealism. but he was a french poet.
    Surrealism is defined as "Psychic automatism"
 This was a fusion of elements of fantasy.
The organized movement Surrealist movement in         Europe dissolved with the onset of World War II.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Struggle art work

My struggle art work is going to be about drawing faces and face features. I have more trouble doing the nose and mouth then anything else. I also can't do the right positioning of everything on the face correctly and how to get it all correctly.

And I do the dividing technique to help me a bit more to get a better result.
I am also trying to learn the size and the position of the ears with the face.
I am also reading this to help me out a lot on drawing a face and it does help a lot and it really helps out people who struggle with it.

This is how it looks at it`s second stage. Also it is still in a it's early stages and it will be done after a few more stages. It will be better when I do the 3rd stage. I will improve the way it looks and how the position of everything on the face. Also to work on a better one for stage three.

This is my 3rd update to the picture and I did more to it and did allot of work.
I made it more better and I also did a bigger part and did more detail then the last one. Also I did a bit to improve on it. Also I will do more to improve it by Doing the shoulders correctly. I will also work on how it will look when it's done and with a background. I will also do some more to get it a better background. I will also I will do a simple background on it. I will also get some better color into it and give it a better look. I will also give the picture better look to it. I will also do some things to get it a better look to the shirt and to the face. I will also do more work on the face and how the features are placed on the face and I will also get the hair to have a better look to it.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Art in Science

There is many other subjects with art in it I choose to do mine in science class. I will show the art in science. It is a Solar oven.

It is not as easy as look at the picture at make it from there I have to use a good plan and certain things. here is a list of the thing I need.

  • Cardboard pizza box (the kind delivered pizza comes in)
  • Box knife or scissors
  • Aluminum foil
  • Glue
  • Tape
  • Ruler
  • Plastic wrap or Plexiglas (if available)
  • Black construction paper or black ground cover
  • Stick or dowel

It is everything I can use can be found in a home except the Pizza Box. And It is easy if you make it correctly and read the instructions correctly and not like how I did it And here are the instructions.

  1. On the top flap of the pizza box draw a square with a marker with edges spaced 1" from the four sides of the box.
  2. Use a box knife or sharp scissors to cut a flap in the lid of the pizza box. Cut along three sides, leaving about an inch between the sides of the flap and the edges of the lid. Fold this flap out so that it stands up when the box lid is closed. Cover the inner or bottom side of the flap with aluminum foil so that the rays from the sun will be reflected off. Be careful to make as few wrinkles as possible, and smooth out whatever wrinkles occur. This will be your reflector panel.
  3. Use clear plastic wrap to create an airtight window for sunlight to enter into the box. Do this by opening the box and taping a double layer of plastic wrap over the opening you made when you cut the flap in the lid. Leave about an inch of plastic overlap around the sides and tape each side down securely, sealing out air.
  4. Line the bottom of the box with aluminum foil to reflect heat and then cover that with black construction paper--black absorbs heat.
  5. Now your oven is ready to try out! Take it outside to a sunny spot and adjust the flap until the most sunlight possible is reflecting off the aluminum foil and onto the plastic-covered window. Use a stick or a dowel to prop the flap at the right angle.

This is going to be a project that I can only do in my Science class so that is a set back.
This is how is going to work hopefully. And it should be a good to cook a s'more, A single cookie, and other small stuff. It hits 93.3 C. It will be a good to have in any season.

Also It can be a big part of the art world. It is this because of the art design of the box and how the design is liked by the public and how it is effective to the public it is. Also how it can be used to make something warmer or how it can be useful. Also you can use it to make wall art. Also you can use the solar oven to make a wall art with it and it can still be used to cook small things. Also you can make any type of art on the box itself to make it unique and your own.

There is art that can be used as a functioning piece. This type of art is classified as a sculpture. I kept mine plane but you can make it any colour and shape you want it to be. This is also a functioning piece of art as you can see by the cooking hot dog in the picture. It may not look like any normal type of sculpture but it is, because it is a 3D shape and it is made from different types of materials than you would use for any other type of art. If you want, you can make any design on the box. But the main thing is it is part of both worlds, the art world because it is a type of sculpture, the science world because it uses the sun's energy to work and to cook food that needs to be cooked.

Monday, 17 March 2014

romanticism time period

This is a time period that was in the 18th century. it swept through the the Europe and around there. It was a cool way of making art and it still is to the day. It did not reach France until the 1820's.18th-century literature with more complex, idiosyncratic characters. 
The term romantic or "romance like", resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances. But a mood or movement whose central characteristic is revolt, and whose stress is on self-expression and individual uniqueness.

This type of art is self-expression and individual uniqueness. It is warm emotions. Spirit expressed itself in one of two ways. They who made it were trying really hard to escape their own shadows. Also it is the spirit of their new freedom.
It is from the root word "Roman" in the various European languages.
Also romantic poetry. in the realm of ethics, politics, aesthetics it was the authenticity and sincerity of the pursuit of inner goals that mattered; this applied equally to individuals and groups. The end of the Romantic era is marked in some areas by a new style of Realism.

Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and  Latin America soon followed

It also had a good way to draw your attention to a certain point on the painting that is better then then the rest of the painting. An artistic and intellectual movement. Romantic quality or spirit in thought, expression, or action. late 1760's-early 1780's was how long this time period was.
This is painted with a different type of style. It was made with hard lines to draw the lookers attention to a certain point on it. 
Romanticism doesn't mean lying dreamy-eyed on a patch of clover or gazing wistfully into your lover's eyes. It doesn't refer to romance at all. Romanticism was a cultural movement that started in Europe. It was somewhat of a reaction to the Industrial Revolution which occurred during the same time period. 

It is a special type of art that was made to make the person look at a certain point it the painting and it was amazing. This is a type of art that was all about certain things that happen and how it's importance it has to the painter. Also it has a cool way that it looks. Also this is a different type of cool art. Also it was good for how it was made during it's time period.

Monday, 24 February 2014

The building

We had started making it. We first started with a path to a black thing in the snow.It was a lot of work to make it. We shoved it all out. We made sure it was wide enough to walk in with two of us.

Here is the path being built.

Then we had to measure the plot thingamajig and finish making the path for us to walk on.

Measuring the plot thingamajig

Here is the plot thingamajig when we messed up.

What we had to change to make it work.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Land/earth art

This is the planing stage of our Land/Earth art. We will be doing this in our school court yard. 1 of them. I'm gonna be doing this with Dillion and Sara. this should turn out good.

What is art? What isn't art?

We are doing an art project that is called struggle. And What is Art and What isn't art. We are doing this to say what we think is art to us and what isn't art to us. (US = The class)
To me art is: Sculpture, and paintings. To me what isn't art is the art of war, and tracing (Copying). In the next Parts I will explain all this to you.

What is Art
This is what I think is art. I will tell you about it all and why I think it is art. people show what is important and their creative side when they do any type of art.
1) Sculptures. 2) Paintings.

I think Sculptures are art because, the people use there own personality and creative side to make a sculpture. Also the people who build them take there time and put a lot of time, sweet, and blood into making it. Also You can tell that the have a lot of passion into what they make and how they make it.

I think Paintings are art because, The people want to teach you something about their time. Also kinda tells you about their experience's that they have. And they also put a lot of pride into their painting.

What isn't Art

This is what I think is not art. I will tell you why I think this is not art is the next section. Also why I Think this is not art at all.
1) the art of war. 2)tracing (Copying).

I think THE ART OF WAR is not art because, It is only the rules and old strategies of past wars and other things of war. Also it is a book that is a rule book. This is a link to see the art of war.

I think Tracing or Copying is not art because, It is taking someone else's art work and saying it is yours. It is frowned upon by every single person. It is also saying you did it when someone else did it.