Monday, 17 March 2014

romanticism time period

This is a time period that was in the 18th century. it swept through the the Europe and around there. It was a cool way of making art and it still is to the day. It did not reach France until the 1820's.18th-century literature with more complex, idiosyncratic characters. 
The term romantic or "romance like", resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances. But a mood or movement whose central characteristic is revolt, and whose stress is on self-expression and individual uniqueness.

This type of art is self-expression and individual uniqueness. It is warm emotions. Spirit expressed itself in one of two ways. They who made it were trying really hard to escape their own shadows. Also it is the spirit of their new freedom.
It is from the root word "Roman" in the various European languages.
Also romantic poetry. in the realm of ethics, politics, aesthetics it was the authenticity and sincerity of the pursuit of inner goals that mattered; this applied equally to individuals and groups. The end of the Romantic era is marked in some areas by a new style of Realism.

Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and  Latin America soon followed

It also had a good way to draw your attention to a certain point on the painting that is better then then the rest of the painting. An artistic and intellectual movement. Romantic quality or spirit in thought, expression, or action. late 1760's-early 1780's was how long this time period was.
This is painted with a different type of style. It was made with hard lines to draw the lookers attention to a certain point on it. 
Romanticism doesn't mean lying dreamy-eyed on a patch of clover or gazing wistfully into your lover's eyes. It doesn't refer to romance at all. Romanticism was a cultural movement that started in Europe. It was somewhat of a reaction to the Industrial Revolution which occurred during the same time period. 

It is a special type of art that was made to make the person look at a certain point it the painting and it was amazing. This is a type of art that was all about certain things that happen and how it's importance it has to the painter. Also it has a cool way that it looks. Also this is a different type of cool art. Also it was good for how it was made during it's time period.

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