Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Culminating Task

                                                   the project
this is a project that shows you what describes us as a person......... by that I mean what represents us. This will show you what I like to do, what I don't like, what I do in my spare time, and what are we like. Also it is a way to get to know me as a person. Also it can be my way to show you what type of art I'm good at.


              Challenging & Inspiring

What are your first thoughts about your project?
My first thoughts where: what am I suppose to do for it.......... Also what is this all about.

Do you have any concerns?
yes I do............... They are how am I gonna pull it all off. And How will it all turn out.

Are there materials or techniques that might appeal to you?
I might have a few tricks up my sleeve. (On the tech side). And may bring some thing from the past into play........ It will be a bit interesting. Also I will do some parts from my life any and all things.

                                Imagining & Generating

Well I'll do a little different things all int this but this is gonna be a big part of it. Also this is gonna be time consuming.. I'll try my best to post as much as I can in the steps. I'll make it all in videos so also check out my YouTube channel.

This my be a part of it. This my be a big part of it.

I may also try and make this in minecraft art style.

If you want me to make anything else leave a comment on this post I'll try my best to make it.......... Keep it PG 13. It may take awhile to make. Leave a name of the pic and I'll get to it as fast as I can. A lot of it will be done on the weekend.


  1. Billy, I love reading about your ideas. Your ability to be flexible and to adjust your technique to best suit our 'Self Representation Project' is commendable. It would help to have a little introduction that explains our project so that readers who aren't familiar with the assignment will understand what you're working on.
    I'll definitely check out your YouTube channel to find out more about your videos. I had to smile when I read your comment: "This may be a part of it. This may be a big part of it." next to the picture of Minecraft -- this completely reflects your interests and your personality. I hope that by using these newer techy materials, you have the chance to really reflect yourself.
    Take advantage of the Creative Process in this assignment, and share as many of your thoughts & ideas as possible. This way, you'll be able to benefit from the feedback from others too!
    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you. I will work on it I,ll try and see if I can work on it at school as well. I will explain it more. so thanks for the feed back.
