Wednesday, 19 June 2013

culminating task pt5

I will try my best to work on it as hard as I can. I don't know how much I can get it done. But it will be hard to do. I'll probily have to work on it after school lets out so I can have more time. I'll try my hardest to work on it in class. I'll even see if I can work on it during another class so I can get it done in time. I'll even do some of it on the summer break. This is all for you all.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

culminating task pt4 (more explanation)

Here is a more good explanation on ruk-shuk.

Players race against the clock to build different Rukshuk rock formations and score as many points as they can.
Game cards reveal different Rukshuk formations, bonus points and rules.
Skill, luck and strategy determine who scores the most points and wins!

Here are the rules: 

  • Each player selects seven game rocks from the pouch.
  • Game rocks are worth different points based on their ‘stack-ability’.
  • Players score regular and bonus points by using the rocks to build all or part of the Rukshuk formation shown on the game card in 60 seconds or less.
  • If a player’s Rukshuk formation topples before time expires, he must quickly rebuild it.
  • When time runs out, players use the score pad to tally the points from their formations.
  • Once scores are counted the players select new rocks, turn over the next card and build a new Rukshuk

  • Hoped this helped you understand more about it.

    Tuesday, 11 June 2013

    culminating task pt4

    Well I will work more on the house and I'll try and make this to.

    this is all gonna be done on my xbox and on the computer. So don't worry I'll try my best to get it all done. So This is a thing I really like and it is from a game I use to play alot when I was younger.

    here is the box for the game witch is called ruk-shuk. It was a lot of fun and it was a challenging game..... It was all about the balancing. I was kinda good at it. This was all that I played. I really loved it.

    Thursday, 6 June 2013

    culminating task pt3

    Well like I said I'll so you all my favorite parody of all time. So with out further a do.... here is my all time favorite minecraft song.

    Here it is this song describes me the is a song that really made me think "Hey that's how I fell sometimes". I liked it so I hope you will at lest enjoy it... Please leave a comment.

    And here is some thing that me and a couple of friends have been working on.
    it has been a bit of a pain to build. But we got it all build except for the inside... We will work on it more. When we do I'll add more pictures about it. It will be a good inside experience of what my life is about. I'll try to get me playing some things on the x box with friends and other people.

    I'm gonna make some towers from an old game.